Connect Karo 2019

By 2030, over half of India's population will be living in cities. Urbanization is strongly linked to economic growth and productivity, and other social indicators like education, health and access to services. It is estimated that by 2020, urban India will account for more than 70 percent of India’s GDP. However, if unplanned, urbanization can increase inequality and social fragmentation, and negatively impact the environment. Many cities today are grappling with declining air quality, increased vehicular congestion, and poor quality and access to essential public services.

The Indian government recognizes that if we are to grow our economy, improve social indicators, and protect the environment, sustainable urban development is crucial. Thriving cities will lead to a prosperous country. With this in mind, Connect Karo 2018, “Thriving Cities, Prosperous Countries”, will focus on high-level discussions on critical urban issues like transport, land-use, air quality, housing, and energy, to identify key levers that could be used to accelerate infrastructure delivery and achieve the goal of access to all by 2022, when India turns 75.

Connect Karo is WRI India’s annual flagship event that brings together Indian and global leaders and policymakers, peer organizations, donors, and stakeholders to discuss critical issues related to sustainable cities, clean energy, food, land and water and climate action. A vibrant dialogic space, this is a platform that allows policymakers, investors, philanthropists and business leaders to engage with practitioners and researchers to seek out nuanced, contextualized solutions to the most urgent challenges of our time.

This year, Connect Karo will offer a diverse range of sessions, including expert panel discussions, interactive workshops, and keynote addresses from renowned speakers. The two-day conference will explore themes like transformative urbanization and green development, with sessions on climate action, clean energy transition, financing clean energy, food loss and waste, building healthy public spaces and streets, water security, heat mitigation, green skilling, eco-city regions, transit-oriented development, and much more.

View the Connect Karo 2024 agenda

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